Bees & Honey


There are 3 types of bees in a hive..Queen, Worker and Drone Worker Bees fly from hive to collect nectar from flower and come back to hive.


The nectar (with 80% moisture) passed through 5 to 6 bees’s mouth with enzyme treatment done in her 2nd stomach and finally deposited in hive which converted to honey finally (with 18% moisture).


Once honey is ready bees will seal with the wax generated from her own 8 glandes.

Fascinating Facts

  • There are more than 300 varieties of flowers and blooms that honeybees can visit, which means the taste, color and smell will vary from honey to honey.
  • To Collect 500g of honey, Honeybee flies around the earth for one and half times Honeybee visit each flower 2000 times.
  • Bee visits 4 million flowers to make 1 kg of honey…. Queen bee lays around 2000 eggs daily i.e. (MORE THAN HER OWN BODY WEIGHT..)
  • A worker bee does “Wagal dance” daily to communicate how far the food is by creating dance pattern.
  • Bees per minute wings stroke is 11,400..Wowww.


To Collect 500g of honey, Honeybee flies around the earth for one and half times Honeybee visit each flower 2000 times


Bee visits 4 million flowers to make 1 kg of honey…. Queen bee lays around 2000 eggs daily i.e. (MORE THAN HER OWN BODY WEIGHT..)


A worker bee does “Wagal dance” daily to communicate how far the food is by creating dance pattern.


Bees per minute wings stroke is 11,400..Wowww.